Attached below, please find the proposed revised rule changes for your community.

In accordance with California Civil Code 4360, the Association must distribute proposed rule changes, stating the purpose and effect, to the membership at least twenty-eight (28) days before making the change or adopting the new rules.

The proposed revisions to the Association’s Rules and Regulations are designed to comply with the Association’s CC&Rs, as well as local and state ordinances. The Board of Directors and the Rules & Regulations Committee revised and added to the Rules and Regulations to keep them current with not only any changes in the laws, but also to address issues the Board has become aware of in recent months which the Board believes will be helped by clarifying and enhancing the Association’s Rules.

If you have any comments or concerns, please contact Evelyn O’Leary at (909) 297-2549 or [email protected].

Proposed Revised Rule Changes